Blocking ZTE: The itch of the communication industry lacking the core

Behind ZTE, the sweat and youth of 80,000 employees; behind the rise of the great powers, is also the diligence and perseverance of hundreds of millions of working people. ZTE has annual sales of up to 100 billion yuan. The achievement of this number is the ZTE employees who struggled all over the world, and they accumulated from bricks and bricks. These huge sales figures, established customer networks, preemptive market share, and accumulated patented technology are now pushed to the edge of the cliff because of this “sudden” punishment.

ZTE, a veteran of the communications industry, has ushered in the biggest “dark moment” since its creation. On April 16, the US Department of Commerce made a suffocating ticket to the Chinese technology giant of the company: banned US companies from doing any business with ZTE within seven years. This is undoubtedly a disaster for ZTE, which requires a large number of core components to be imported from the US. Some brokers even said: "If the company can't solve this problem, the worst result is bankruptcy."

The U.S. government’s move is to crack down on Chinese technology companies and weaken the strength of China’s communications industry.

In 2016, ZTE encountered severe sanctions from the US government for violating the US export ban on Iran and exporting goods that the US government explicitly banned to Iran. It can be said that this time the US government once again sanctioned ZTE.

We will not mention the hegemonic behavior of Chinese companies to abide by the export ban imposed by the US government. It is because the punishment of a small number of employees is not effective, and it is forbidden to procure ZTE's procurement of components from US suppliers.

Therefore, selling Iran’s goods banned by the US government and penalizing employees is not enough. It is just an excuse for the US government to find.

Even if ZTE did not let the United States seize the handle in the above-mentioned aspects, the US government will find new excuses, just as these years, the United States and other Western countries in Syria.

1 US government sanctions ZTE hit the soft spot of China's IT industry

China's information technology industry has two characteristics. One is in hardware, the whole machine is strong, and the core components are weak. The other is in software, the application software is strong, and the basic software is weak.

Specifically, China has a number of complete machine factories represented by Huawei, ZTE, Lenovo, and Xiaomi. Although it is popular in domestic and international markets, it is on many core components such as CPU, GPU, FPGA, DSP, On CIS, RF and other chips, a lot of dependence on imports.

Even some chips designed by domestic manufacturers are highly dependent on foreign technology licenses.

The domestic design company only sells the modules sold by foreign companies to us. The foreign upstream enterprises only need to cut off the technical support and technical authorization, and the research and development of these domestic design companies will be stopped, and they will be subject to the core technology.

As far as software is concerned, although China has a large number of application software such as QQ, WeChat, Alipay, but in the operating system, database, middleware and other basic software, the market share is minimal, these basic software is basically Microsoft, Google, Oracle, IBM Such as company monopoly.

Even open source software such as Linux, KVM, Xen, OpenStack, HADOOP, Docker, Mysql, OpenJDK, etc., the number of programmers in China is extremely disproportionate to China's relatively limited code contribution.

It can be said that there are millions of programmers writing Java in China, millions of programmers writing JavaScript, and many QTs, but there are not many people working on Java virtual machines, JavaScript engines, and QT libraries.

The problems that ZTE is encountering today are not the problems of a ZTE company, but the problems of China's information technology industry. Practically speaking, China's now very prosperous ICT industry and Internet industry are actually based on the basic hardware and software of the United States. The US government's measures to sanction ZTE have just hit the soft underbelly of China's IT industry.

2 The purpose of the United States is to crack down on Chinese technology companies.

Before this sanctions, ZTE also encountered another attack. At the time, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced a plan to prevent US carriers from using federal funds to purchase products or services from Huawei and ZTE on the grounds that it could jeopardize national security.

Almost at the same time, US President Trump's national security team proposed to let the government dominate the construction of the US 5G network, and banned the procurement of equipment from Chinese companies such as ZTE and Huawei.

The Trump administration did this mainly to protect US companies and crack down on Chinese technology companies. This practice actually requires operators to obey the will of the US government and restrict the procurement of equipment from Chinese companies such as Huawei and ZTE in the construction of 5G networks.

In this way, because operators must purchase telecommunications equipment from the United States or its allies, this can support US equipment vendors and allied equipment vendors, and in turn will attack Chinese communications equipment vendors, thereby re-establishing manufacturing to some extent. Brought back to the United States to honor Trump’s promise to voters during the campaign. In the final analysis, it is to protect the local industry in the name of information security.

The US Department of Commerce’s severe sanctions against ZTE also have a blow to Chinese technology companies.

After all, ZTE is China's second-largest communications company after Huawei. It has a certain influence in the international arena. It has strong 5G technology research and development capabilities, and it has weakened the strength of China's communications industry.

3 ZTE was “blocked” and forced Chinese enterprises to become self-reliant

In the past, there were always some people who had the illusion that they could buy chips from the United States as long as they had money. They believed that independent research and development was a repetitive wheel-making process and was a waste of resources.

However, the reality has given the Chinese people a lesson. In terms of core technology, we must adhere to independent research and development. Even if the performance of the self-developed chips is poor, the price is more expensive, we must continue to improve and improve, and we must not make "it is better to buy". set.

In addition, the domestically designed chips are not completely, but some are inferior in performance, and some are limited to special fields. For example, the Shenwei CPU carried by Shenwei Taihu Lake is used in the Loongson CPU on the Beidou satellite. Huarui DSP on the radar.

At present, there is an urgent need to solve two problems. One is that enterprises have serious shortages of independent R&D investment, and the resources and funds are very limited. However, some local governments are very keen on foreign investment and joint ventures, and they give money, land, and Policy offers.

The other is the lack of guidance for the software industry. Commercial companies are more interested in developing a variety of fast-moving software, such as mobile games, off-market matching software systems, web games, ordering software, etc. for those technologies. The basic software with high threshold and long development cycle lacks research and development motivation.

How to truly promote the independent chip from the special field to the commercial market, how to let the massive programmers in China and the giants such as BAT to develop the basic software, how to establish a complete industrial ecological chain is a problem that should be considered now.

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